Sharp Tools!
Its been too long since I’ve written, not because there was nothing to write, but because I was too busy trying to finish up furniture orders before Christmas. Fortunately I got everything done just in time and delivered to happy customers.
One of my favorite times of year is working in the shop next to the wood stove, with the Christmas music playing and the hot tea brewing over the stove. This past month I probably spent a little too much time in the shop and I was sure glad for a break!
Today we start out the New Year with a full Joinery 1 class. What a wonderful way to start the New Year, learn a new skill, take a class, share with your children and grandchildren what you have learned. Our classes are filling fast but if you are interested in taking a class please sign up soon. If you have already taken our Foundational class and you are thinking about a project class, we will only have one of it’s type this year, in other words we will only have one rocking chair class and one blanket chest class, etc. So if you see one that you have had your eye on, then sign up soon.
I am excited as there are many new things on the horizon for us this coming year. We plan to offer some new classes, possibly a ladder back chair class and a simple marquetry class. We hope to bring in some guest instructors as well. If there is a class that you would like to see, please leave a comment below. Personally I am looking forward to taking a class with one of my heroes, I plan to take a class with Silas Kopf later this year, I can’t wait. I might be teaching a class up at Lie-Nielsen in Maine as well.
Stay tuned, I will try to write more often and try to add some tips and small projects on the blog.
So go in the shop, sharpen your tools and make something this year.
Happy New Year to all!
Frank Strazza
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