Hot and Steamy!
This coming Tuesday evening September 16, at 7:00 PM, you will find me in Dallas, at the North Texas Woodworkers Assc. Meeting. I will be there letting off some steam! Seriously, I will be demonstrating steam bending techniques during this presentation. I will be going over several topics, from choosing your wood and building your own steamer to building the proper forms. I will bring along my steamer and will actually steam bend a few different furniture pieces during the demo. I will also bring along a couple different chairs that incorporate the steam bent pieces for you to see firsthand. If you have ever wanted to try your hand at steam bending, you will not want to miss this great opportunity to see this demonstration!

Bending a chair back
The club welcomes newcomers, so even if your not a member of the North Texas Woodworkers Assc. your are welcome to come. If you happen to live in the area and want to come by, please do! You can find more info about the club including a map on how to get there on the North Texas Woodworkers Assc. website. You can also find more information about the club and how to join there as well. Frank Strazza
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