In this final installment, Frank goes over the layout and cutting of the pins and then assembles the finished joint. Video Transcript: OK, I’m fairly happy with the way the tails turned out. Now I’m going to transfer the tails onto the pin board here, which is this piece of 12/4 walnut here, thick piece […]
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Hound’s Tooth Dovetail Series 2 of 3
In the second of a 3-part series, Frank discusses and demonstrates the proper methods for cutting the tails on a traditional Hound’s Tooth needlepoint dovetail. The dovetails are being cut on a split-top Roubo workbench that he’s currently building. Video Transcript: OK, so before we cut the tails, I want to talk about probably the […]
Hound’s Tooth Dovetail Series 1 of 3
In this 3- part series, Heritage School of Woodworking Instructor Frank Strazza demonstrates the layout, cutting and fitting of a Hound Tooth’s needlepoint dovetail as part of a split-top Roubo workbench he’s currently building. Video Transcript: Hi, my name is Frank Strazza with the Heritage School of Woodworking, and in this video, I want to […]

Tapered Sliding Dovetail Article
I am sure this is probably old news, as most of you all probably subscribe to Popular Woodworking. For those that have not had a chance to see the issue, I was fortunate to get an article in the April issue of Popular Woodworking’s Magazine. I did an article on tapered sliding dovetails. The hardest […]

Hide Glue In this post, Frank discusses the historical uses of hide glue, it’s pro’s and cons and how it compares to yellow glue. He also discusses the proper way to prepare and apply the glue on projects using traditional joinery techniques. Video Transcript Hi. My name is Frank Strazza, with the Heritage School of Woodworking. […]

A drawboring demonstration.
Instructor Frank Strazza demonstrates the centuries old technique of drawboring joinery during the construction of a traditional Roubo workbench. The bench is constructed using hard maple. Frank is pegging the mortise and tenons using oak pegs. Watch as he uses a 3 lb. sledge hammer to drive the pegs home, drawing the joint closed with not […]