This week we have 10 students hard at work, each one making a fine craftsman rocking chair!
Here is Jonathan helping John glue up the back of his cherry chair.We have a father and daughter taking the course as well as another father and son duo. I think this is a great way to spend time with your family, to come take a woodworking course and learn by doing and take home a beautiful piece of furniture!
Pat and his daughter are each making their own chair, here they are working together to clamp up the back frame.
Jon and his son are each making a rocking chair from walnut. Here they are, helping each other glue up!
We have cut multiple mortise and tenons by hand and shaped and planed the wood. They will be working on cutting angled tenons and then fit the whole chair together, then arms and rockers and a seat will finish off the chairs.
Here is a great picture of Tim shaping a curve!
I will post again with pictures of the finished chairs. We only have 2 more days to finish, so we best get back to work!
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