The fourth day of our workbench class began by fitting the tenons into their correct mortises; it can be quite time-consuming to make sure that each one fits perfectly. A shoulder plane is handy for this task.

Trimming tenons

Fitting tenons
We then glued the dog runs that we cut yesterday, on to the bench tops.

Squeeze it tight!

Dog runs glued on
We then finished fitting all the tenons and cut and smoothed the profiles on the foot and upper sections of the base.

Spokeshaving the curve
All in a day’s work.
Jonathan Schwennesen with Frank Strazza
Interested in a workbench class? Sign up here. Want to know more details? Learn about our previous workbench classes. Want to know what we think a good workbench is? Read our post. Can’t make it to Texas? Take our woodworking classes online.
Benches are looking nice, Jonathan! Looks like everyone is having fun, too.