Finished Dresser in the Show
Well, today the furniture show is open and it is an especially exciting day for all of us as furniture makers. Tonight starting at 5:30 will be the awards ceremony and it is a great time to reconnect with friends and fellow furniture makers. It is also the day that the judges will decide on the different awards. Having been a judge once before at the Furniture Show, I know how much work it is and how hard it is to judge each piece. The quality of each piece and the diversity is really stunning all across the board. Doug Stowe is one of the guest judges, he will be giving a lecture at 2:30. Check out the work that Doug is doing to educate young people, here on his blog.
So it is always fun to see what the judges decide, and which pieces get what awards.
If you get a chance to go to the show, I highly recommend it. All the furniture is on display in a top-notch gallery setting. There is also a fabulous tool collection in one of the adjacent rooms that is well worth your time to see.
I have included below the description of my dresser as it appears on the tag in the show. And remember, if you are interested in a custom piece of furniture for your home, I would be happy to discuss building a piece for you.
7 Drawer Dresser
An original design, the artist chose simple, yet time tested lines. The handiwork of a craftsman is often revealed in joinery that is hidden inside a drawer or in the back of a case.
This piece incorporates over 130 hand-cut dovetails. A finely crafted dovetail affirms our sense that beauty need not be boldly on display to enhance our lives – this is ornamentation derived from function rather than embellishment.
This piece also contains several hidden joints that will never be seen, including mortise and tenons which comprise the structure of the internal frames, these are then notched into the legs and dadoed in the sides.
There are double tenons holding the front of the dresser together and a whole montage of dovetails tying the frame together including hand-cut tapered sliding dovetails which separate the drawer fronts. The top is held in place and kept flat with two hand-cut tapered sliding dovetails, running the entire width of the top. Frame and panels were chosen for the sides and back to allow for wood movement.
The piece is constructed using solid black cherry, with maple for the internal parts. The knobs are turned in cherry.
The finish is several coats of hand rubbed Danish oil, with shellac for the internal drawer parts.
Frank Strazza
21″ x 36″ x 58″Price is $7500
This piece is reserved for a customer but an exact copy can be made for you.
Custom furniture is also available.
Frank Strazza
Very nice dresser. I saw it in person yesterday and it was fantastic. The fit on the drawers were right on. Cherry just makes beautiful furniture.
Howdy Frank,
Very nice project and a fine piece of furniture. Congratulations for it receiving recognition and prize. Congratulations to the judges for acknowledging true craftsmanship along with diligence in detail.
Good Job by all.
Dan N Joy
Great job Frank. Beautiful work.
Thank you all for the Congratulations! I was surprised to win. I hope that you all can go down and see the show in person, pictures don’t do the furniture justice.